Latest Agenda

Board Meeting:  Monday February 3rd 6pm in the Library.


Volunteer Needed

You can be a critical part of our organization, supporting athletics at WHS, and enabling our success. We have a need for a Vice President and Treasurer. Please reach out to for more info.


The Whitney Booster Association is a volunteer organization dedicated to enhancing and promoting our student athletes at Whitney High School.  Our goal is to work actively with the Athletic Director, school administration, coaching staff, parents, students and community to help improve the sporting experience for all involved.  As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, our support consists exclusively of volunteer service, community fundraising, and supplemental charitable donations needed to foster the development of our student-athletes and maintain high-quality athletic programs.  Boosters are not directly affiliated with the school district—we are an organized group of volunteers trying to make our Whitney High sports programs the best they can be.  We encourage ALL families with a student in an athletic program to join the Boosters organization. 

701 Wildcat Blvd
Rocklin CA 95765